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CXXII Apparel

COMMUNITY DONATION (*Free Mystery Tee with donations Over $15*)

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The CXXII Apparel Community Special Donation **CXXII will match the first $250 of any donations**  - The Heart of CXXII is to giveback and be a blessing to a variety of Missions Organizations, Missionaries, and for Special Projects / Individuals. 

This particular fundraiser is for a close Friend & Pastor,  Jeff is the Pastor of a Church in Rochester, MN, Jeff's Wife Miranda will be going through a major surgery at the end of the month. 

With the expenses of having a Major Surgery and Jeff's Wife not being able to work for a couple months to heal, money will be tight and As a close friend, We wanted to make sure that we can be a Blessing to Jeff and his Wife and Family.  I am reminded of this Verses found in Gods word... in Acts 20:35 " In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of Jesus, how he himself said, It is more blessed to give than receive." 

and in 1 Corinthians 12:26 " If one part suffers, every part suffers with it, if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it"  When we are willing to be a part of the Body of Christ we look after one another and encourage, support and when someone is in need we become the hands and feet of Jesus and care for one another!


1. You can Donate through CXXII, 100% of all proceeds will go directly to Jeff & Miranda to help with any expenses. (**Any donation over $15 will get a  special Thank you Gift of a FREE CXXII Mystery Tee in your size**) 

2. If your unable to donate, You can Pray for Jeff and Miranda and their family, Pray for for the Doctors and Surgery and staff to go smoothly and successfully, Pray for a quick recovery for Miranda, Pray for Jeff and being able to manage the day to day work, family life and his Church Community. 

CXXII Apparel Appreciates your incredible support, and the CXXII Community for being able to be a blessing and help others.  


    Standard Tee

    CXXII Apparel is a christian clothing company that strives to make modern christian apparel that helps you to plant seeds of truth and love to the people around. Do Not Conform, Be Transformd!