Send It Together '22' Missions Campaign
A call for partnership to "SEND IT TOGETHER '22' in ministry and life from Dustin Orem and Megan Orem.
As my fiancée Megan and I were in the midst of the triathlon in which at the end of I got down on my knee and proposed to her, there were several moments during the triathlon which God's beautiful design of relationships and community came together. 7 of my closest friends, Coco, Maca, Jose, Jake and Abby, and Jake and Alona cheered us on as we swam, biked and ran to help encourage us.
It was so epic the joy that we all got to share at the end of the triathlon in seeing all of that, it sparked in me two things, First, to share goals and desires in seeking God's will in all He is doing in life and ministry that we all can rejoice in the Lord together as well as seek His grace and strength. Second, is to share my needs so others can come along side in partnership to share in the joys of walking in life and ministry together!
This second one is hard and humbling for me as I have always battled with both insecurities and aspects of pride in it but I don't want those things to keep us from what God can do the life and the ministry He allows us to partake in.
With that said, and my pride and insecurities laid aside, desiring God's will and community joy in ministry as Megan and I are entering into an epic new season of life. I'm putting forth an epic goal for us all to send it together that addresses my needs in finishing this year out strong and preparing for next year and the years to come, not that we can have more, as I’m still game for only eating oats and peanut butter sandwiches and sleeping on hotel room floors, but so we can do more for the Lord in 3 ways,
1| To be present, available and intentional at the different action sports events to serve everyone, both at the event and outside of the events, as Christ has served us in offering His life a ransom for many through His life, death, and resurrection satisfying the just wrath of God we deserved and in our place giving us His perfect righteousness as a gift to all who believe that we would be taken from death to life.
2| To be present, available and intentional in coming along side local churches and ministries around the world to help them love and serve their communities needs both physically and spiritually and sharing the gospel in word and deed.
3| To be able to intentional and available to provide finances and materials for ministry partners around the world that even when we are not able to be present we are able to continue to equip them to serve their communities needs.
In seeking to rejoice in how God is at work in all of us through His ministry I have partnered with CXXII to create an awesome "SEND IT TOGETHER" Collection.
Please consider partnering with Dustin and helping CXXII be a part of his ministry and help him to spread the love of Christ with the action sports community.
You can check out the whole CXXII Missions Collection along with the Send It Together '22' Tees and Shorts HERE.
Here are some testimonials of people who have been impacted by the ministry and discipleship of Dustin,
- I’ve been friends with dusting for about 7 years now, we instantly connected when we started talking about Jesus and how nice his attitude is, I’ve seen Dustin living by faith and walking with God heavily, always giving and serving others friends, sacrificing his own comfort in life in order to fulfill his purpose. Many road trips, many events, many plaaces and people he reaches every year leaving a seed of Jesus in every one of them.
Is very inspiring what he does and the way he lives, I se excellence in his way of sharing the word.
He is such a role model for many
🤘🏼❤️ - Coco Zurita, Professional BMX Rider / Influencer
- I don’t even know where to begin with having Dustin as someone to look up too. The first time I ever met him was at a local youth group, and me riding bmx I new who he was. So I instantly looked up to him as someone with knowledge of all kinds, Dustin has been a big part in my relationship with God. Every time I feel like I am slipping away Dustin has always been there with the word of God to keep me plugged in to the truth of the word, he has always gone out of his to help me from loaning me parts to use, driving me to major contests and overall just treating me a way no one else ever has, his spirit is so pure and filled with the word of God! You can’t be around Dustin without cracking a smile at something because the lord has given him a gift of kindness and he uses it to his full potential, I have no doubt that Dustin has been put here to lift people’s spirits! He has had a major impact on how I view things he’s always looking for the best route around everything even if that means Putting himself last!
- Sean Curliss, BMXer / Co-Worker at Woodward Camp.