Slothie Needs More Coffee Fundraiser
You may see this post and say WHAT.... Slothie Needs More Coffee? But there is a amazing story behind this shirt.
My youngest daughter LOVES all animals but one of her favorite animals are sloths. She fell in love with them when we were visiting the Como Zoo in St. Paul after we moved to Minneapolis. This past Summer she came up with this fun saying "Slothie Needs More Coffee" while trying to name their treehouse in our backyard. Myself being a creative started to process any unique way to create a shirt and purpose behind the shirt. I reached out to my friend Kai (drummer for Colton Dixon and amazing artist @kai_yote_art) to come up with a really fun design and the "Slothie Needs More Coffee" design came to life.
We wanted to be able to contribute to the community with the profits from the shirt so I reached out to the Como Zoo and Park in St. Paul, MN. The Como Zoo operates on a donation basis making it free to the public. Through the Como Friends Organization we were able to select the Sloths at the Zoo as the animal that we would support.
About a month ago, CXXII did a pre-order for the Sloth t-shirts. We were blessed to meet our goal of selling 50 shirts which allowed us to donate $500 to the 3 Sloths ( Chloe, Slo-moe, Stephano) at the Como Zoo. We are so grateful for everyone who supported this effort. With this donation we were able to give to the local community to support education and resources to encourage children and adults alike to learn about and be encouraged to take care of the natural world for which God created mankind (Genesis 1:26).
On Sat. Oct.14th we were invited to come to the zoo and present a check to Como Friends on behalf of CXXII Apparel. We had some local friends join my family and myself as we spent time at the zoo. Thanks to some patient and gracious zookeepers and volunteers we were able see Chloe up close while she was awake and eating breakfast which was quite the treat since sloths typically spend 20+ hours a day asleep. It was especially exciting for our 5 year old who came up with the concept waited patiently for the design and also help sell the design so that we could give back and help to support the animal she loves.
If you are reading this and have a special place in your heart for animals and want to support everything that Como Friends does to keep the zoo free please visit: www.comofriends.org or want to just go visit and see the sloths and hundreds of other animals at the zoo please visit www.comozooconservatory.org.
Thank you to everyone who purchased the shirt we truly do appreciate it and if you would like to purchase one of the shirts and support the Como Zoo through CXXII Apparel please CLICK HERE.
"Then God said,'Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'"- Genesis 1:26